Saturday, July 24, 2010

Spaghetti squash

I think I may have over planted. Here are three of the dozens of spaghetti squashes in the garden today. You can easily make a low-cal and tasty side dish with these--see my recipe for spaghetti squash

Potato Harvest

This morning I dug up a nice crop of potatoes. If you are interested in growing potatoes, see my web page on Potato Gardening. After these potatoes are washed and dried, I'll store them in boxes in the basement where they will remain edible for months (provided we don't eat them in the next few weeks). I'll start a new fall crop in about a month.

Don't bother me

This swallowtail caterpillar reacts to being touched
by rearing up and sticking out his antennae.

Quick-pick of the gardens

A productive quick-pick yesterday. The last of my carrots and beets, but only the beginning of the cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and peppers.