Saturday, May 15, 2010

My small backyard pond's plants have started to emerge (below). We kept the goldfish indoors the last two winters. Hopefully, it will look like it did by June of last year (bottom picture). For information about how to dig your own small pond, see my page on ponds.

Last summer we put a small addition on the back of the house and were left with a mud pit. right
I planted dozens of plants for butterflies and bees.

As of yesterday they all look pretty healthy. below

There also is a raised bed full of phlox, bee balm, coneflower, gaillardia, aster, butterfly bush, helianthus and echinacea. small picture on right

My Baptisia Australis is especially happy with the damp weather. bottom right

See more about raised beds in my American Indian Health and Diet Project section on gardening:
Learn more about butterfly gardens from the Monarch Watch site at KU.

Purple Martins

I have four Purple Martin apartments in the backyard and these families huddled together during a recent rain.

Check out the Purple Martin Conservation Association for information about the birds and how to become a Martin landlord.